The Best Care For Your Grab N' Go Wig Hat
Wash N' Go
step 1
Using a toothbrush or a small towel, clean HAT with warm water and oxiclean or mild laundry detergent.
step 2
Remove any knots, tangles, or lint from hair.
step 3
Fill sink or basin halfway with cold water, then add a quarter-sized amount of high-quality shampoo.
step 4
Submerge hair in cold or cool water by pressing down on strands. Gently dip up and down. Avoid getting hat wet; if necessary, wrap it with a plastic bag.
step 5
Gently rinse until shampoo runs clear. Avoid scrubbing or rubbing the hair, as this could damage the Grab N' Go hair unit.
step 6
Gently squeeze excess water, apply high-quality conditioner.
step 7
After conditioning, wait two minutes before rinsing with cold or cool water.
step 8
Gently squeeze excess water out of hair, pulling or twisting should be avoided.
step 9
Hair should be air-dried, towel-dried, or blow-dried on a cool setting at owners discretion.
step 10
Add hair product of choice, style as desired. Wash every 6-8 wears.